Weather Bonk
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View real-time weather conditions. Click a map icon for more detail. Weather Along Route Example Searches: Try: San Francisco
Try: Bay Area Weather (slow)
Try: Paris or Auckland, NZ
Try: Japan or World
Web Cams:
Find out what weather to expect for a given route. Forecasts based on departure time and expected speed. Try changing departure to avoid inclement weather. Weather Along Route
Historical Averages: Drag the slider bar below to select a month. Look at past weather conditions for your area. Select data to display (avg high,avg low,avg temp) Use for planning travel or vacations.

Key: Temperature and Web Cam Key
Google Earth: Dynamic Data Layer for Google Earth.

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export view w/ overlays
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Real-time radar overlay (NWS)

Overlays:  >show custom maps
Key: Temperature and Web Cam Key Google Weather Maps Key
This site is not affilated with Google, Weather Underground, Weather Bug, or National Weather Service. This site contains data that is accurate to the best of our knowledge, but Weather Bonk cannot be held liable for any adverse consequences of data use. Please use at your own risk.
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Weather Bonk allows you to view real-time world-wide weather information, radar, webcams, and historical data on to a google map. You can slide a scrollbar to observe historical weather information to predict what climate to expect for a given month. Program exports data to Google Earth, a 3D satellite imagery viewer. Weather Bonk: Google weather maps is well suited for micro-climate (microclimate) areas, such as San Francisco, where you can look at live weather conditions in various parts of the city. Weather bonk uses the Google Maps API Lets you view real time weather information on a google map. The data comes from a variety of sources, including Weather Underground, Weather Bug, or National Weather Service APRS and Citizens Weather Observer Program (CWOP) Weather maps also provides real-time animated radar overlays, hurricane tracking, fog overlays in San Francisco Web cams allows users to enter and upload their own webcam. For more information See the about page. This site contains data that is accurate to the best of our knowledge, but Weather Maps cannot be held liable for any adverse consequences of data use. Please use at your own risk. Additional information is available at Weather Maps about page and Weather Maps Forum Discussion Message Boards. View real-time weather, radar, and web cams in hurricane alley. Google Weather Maps Hack View ski info at Ski Bonk Old Site at myjavaserver.